國際知名的二胡演奏大師,四歲學習鋼琴與小提琴,十歲開始學習二胡,擅長以嶄新手法詮釋不同類型的音樂,演奏生涯創下多項世界第一的紀錄,包括: 第一位以站立姿勢演奏二胡的演奏家; 第一位發明電子二胡的演奏家; 第一位以二胡演奏《莫札特K216小提琴協奏曲》、巴赫的《雙小提琴協奏曲》和維瓦爾第的《四季》的音樂家; 第一位登上美國拉斯維加斯 MGM Grand 演出的二胡音樂家。 曾與西崎崇子、陳美、坂本龍一、蘇文慶、葉綠娜與魏樂富等知名音樂家同台,以及英國莫札特管弦樂團、香港管弦樂團、香港中樂團、北京中央音樂學院弦樂團、北京中央民族樂團、南非大學交響樂團、宏都拉斯交響樂團、台灣省立交響樂團與台北市立國樂團等團體合作演出◦ 自1989年出版「快樂胡琴」至今,已推出23張個人演奏專輯,並錄製過許多令大眾印象深刻的流行樂曲,如《八月桂花香》配樂「餘恨」、張學友的「吻別」與劉德華的「一起走過的日子」等,也曾於坂本龍一「世界巡迴音樂會」與劉德華「真我的風采」演唱會演出,成功的將二胡音樂引進流行音樂市場。近期熱心二胡教學,並指導創立「十全十美女子樂團」,帶領本土培育的二胡演奏新秀,要以全新的舞台演出型態,為二胡音樂注入新的創意與活力。 
 Ask passersby on the street in Taiwan whom they would think of when talking about Erhu, 97 out of 100 would say "Jin-Long Wen!" Has started learning to play the piano and violin since he was four and Erhu since ten, Mr. Jin-Long Wen has participated in numerous Erhu contests and was awarded as the Top 1 artist. He won more than 20 contests when he was merely a junior-high student; it is also noteworthy that "A Wonder of the Chinese Music," Kenny, was honored by the China Times in 1981; in 1982, he won the first prize of "The Golden Lion Awards" and "Golden Ching Awards", and Kenny was a prize winner at the Roodepoort International Eisteddfod of S. Africa in 1989. Kenny released his first album, "Happy Two-Stringed Violin," at 21. In November 1991, Kenny's third album, "Legend," was released and soon endowed with "the Best Performing New Artist," that being sold over 250,000 copies. In addition, the MTV of his fourth CD, "Game," was played at the ceremony of 1992 Emmy Awards. Till now, he has released 23 solo Erhu albums, successfully promotes this Chinese traditional melody into the commercial music market. Apart from the musical talent he has presented since very young, he is also the pioneer who creates an Erhu stand, which enables performers to play the ErHu from a standing position. And his exclusive style instills a new life for the ErHu which status had previously been considered no match to Western musical instruments. As a popular star, Kenny has been invited to numerous concerts of orchestras, musicians, and pop signers, including Andy Lau, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Takako Nishizaki, London Mozart Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, and Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.